在逛網誌時, 發現寶瓶子的部落格有個很棒的測驗~
天使測驗為英文網站, 但好心的寶瓶子已為大家翻譯成中文~
天使測驗請進入 http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-angel-test (共38題)
回答完問題後, 有簡單的資料填寫, 並按 Show me my result!
就可以找出你最近的守護天使囉! (馬德琳最近的守護天使是 Raziel 拉吉爾. 祂的名字意指神的祕密, 是一位巫師, 智者, 靈性導師, 擁有宇宙間神祕的智慧) 1. Do you feel like most people around you are rude or unfair? (你是否覺得在你周遭的大部分人是魯莽或不公正的?) 2. Do you feel lonely or abandoned? (你是否覺得寂寞或被遺棄?) 3. Do you suffer from nightmares, anxiety, or a phobia? (你是否受噩夢、焦慮或恐懼症所苦) 4. Are you or is a close friend, family member, or significant other severely depressed? 5. Have you been worried about your own or someone else's health, happiness, or safety lately? (你最近曾經擔心過自己或其他人的健康、幸福或安全?) 6. Are you or is someone close to you afflicted with / recovering from a serious illness, or dealing with the aftermath of an accident? (你或身邊親近的人正忙於疾病康復中或處理意外事故的後續問題?) 10. Have you recently been involved in a dispute that ended in either side’s feelings being hurt, or in an especially mean case of "backbiting"? (最近是否牽涉到爭執,而最後是其中一方受傷或被誹謗?) 12. Are you still hurting from an event from your distant past? (是否仍因過往而傷痛中?) 13. Do you make a point of figuring out why things are the way they are? (你正準備去了解為何事物是這樣呈現的。) 14. Are you a student, apprentice, or anything of some sort? (你是學生、初學者或任何類似的身分?) 15. Does your job, future job, or dream job require a high degree of intelligence, education, confidence, or the ability to use words to your favour? (你現在或未來或理想的工作需要高度智能、教育程度、自信或是用字遣詞的能力?) 17. Have you recently crammed immense amounts of knowledge into your head within a short time, or are you currently in such a situation? (你最近曾在很短的時間內塞滿巨量的知識在腦中,或你正在經驗這樣的情形?) 18. Do you ever wish you wouldn't have to study as hard as you do? (你曾希望你不用這麼努力地學習?) 19. Do you have an artistic talent, such as an awesome singing voice, an individual writing style, an eye for colour, or anything of the sort? (你有藝術天份,例如出色的歌喉、個人寫作風格、對色彩敏銳的眼光或其它方面?) 20. Are you currently learning how to paint, dance, design, play a musical instrument, or anything of the kind? (你近來正學習繪畫、舞蹈、設計、演奏樂器或其他類型的藝術技能?) 21. Do you write? Books, poetry, your own songs, pen and paper RPG story lines, etc. all count. Reports, prescriptions, grocery lists, etc. don't. (你寫東西嗎? 書、詩、自己的歌、短篇故事都算。報告、處方、購物清單等不算。) 22. Are you currently in a situation commonly called the "writer's block", or an equivalent applicable to your profession that makes you unable to put your talents to a good use? (你現在正經常處於寫作瓶頸嗎? 或在你的工作上有無法發揮才能的困境?) 25. Is there a person that means the world to you? (是否有一個人對你來說是全世界?) 26. Do you have a child or children? (你有小孩嗎?) 27. How about pets? Everyone likes pets. (關於寵物呢? 每個人都喜歡寵物) 28. Are you the kind of person that takes care of everyone regardless of how tough it can be at times? (你是那種不管情況多艱難都會關心別人的人嗎?) 29. Are you responsible for the life, health, happiness, fortune, etc. of anyone besides yourself? (你為任何除了你本身的人負責他們的生命、健康、快樂、財富等等嗎?)
翻譯1-15題 ~
The Angel Test
Often / Sometimes (經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never (極少/從來沒有)
Often / Sometimes (經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never (極少/從來沒有)
Often / Sometimes (經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never (極少/從來沒有)
Yes, I am. / Someone I care about is. (是的,我本身是/某個我關心的人是這樣的)
No, I don't think so. / No one particularly close to me. (不,我本身不是/身邊沒有這樣的人)
Yes, I have. (有)
No, I haven't. (沒有)
Yes, I am. / Yes, someone I care about is. (是的,我本身是/某位我關心的人是如此)
No, I don't think so. / No one particularly close to me. (我或周遭的人都沒有)
7. Have you recently suffered the loss of someone or something dear to you? (最近是否遭逢失去某位親愛的人或物品?)
Yes, I have. / Time has passed, but it still hurts. (是的/雖然有段時間了但還是會傷痛)
No, I haven't. / He, she or it was not that special to me. (沒有/他或她或它對我來說並沒有那麼重要)
8. Are you an exceptionally good counsellor? (你是位特別優秀的諮商師?)
I have been told that I am. / I like to think that I am. (有人說我是/我喜歡自認為是)
No, not really. / I wouldn't know. (不是/我不知道)
9. Does your job, future job, or dream job involve counselling or healing? Healing the environment counts. Healing economy doesn't. (你現在或未來或夢想中的工作與諮商或療癒有關嗎?療癒環境也算。救治經濟方面則不算在內。)
Yes, it does. / Yes, in a sense... (是的/某種程度上相關
Yes, it did hurt. / Yes, and I still feel bad for him or her. (是的,真的很受傷/我依然為他或她感到抱歉)
No, fortunately not. / Yes, but he or she will survive. (很幸運地沒有/有,但他或她將倖免)
11. Has a friend, family member, or significant other recently decided to end the relationship with you, or have you been abandoned when you needed support most? (你的朋友、家人或重要的他人最近決定要與你斷絕關係? 或當你最需要支持的時候,你被遺棄了?)
Yes, I was devastated. / Yes, but I wasn't surprised. (是的,我心力交瘁/是的,但我並不意外)
No, nothing of the kind happened. / Yes, but it's okay, really. (沒有此類事情發生/有,但實際上還好)
Yes, quite a bit. / Yes, but I clench my teeth and push through. (是的,有一點/是的,但我會咬緊牙關度過的)
No, I can't think of anything. / No, I am over it. I think. (沒有想到任何事情/沒有,我想我已經克服它了)
Often / Sometimes (經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never (極少/從來沒有)
Yes, I am. / I am going to be one, soon. (是的/我很快會是)
No, I'm not. / No, not anymore. (不是/已經不是)
Yes, it does. / Yes, to a certain degree. (是的/某種程度上是)
No, it doesn't. / Not usually.(不是/不常)
翻譯16-29題 ~
16. Do you have difficulties concentrating or thinking clearly? (你有集中專注力的困難或無法清晰思考?)
Often / Sometimes (經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never (極少/從來沒有)
Yes, that describes it pretty well. (是的,形容得很貼切)
No, not recently. (最近沒有)
Often / Sometimes(經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never(極少/從來沒有)
Indeed I do. / It's not listed, but magnificent none the less! (我的確有/雖然沒有列出來,但顯然有)
No, I don't think I'm talented. (我不認為我有天份)
Yes, I am. / Not yet, but soon. (是的/即將開始)
No, I'm not. I don't think I will be anytime soon. (現在沒有,近期也沒有打算)
Often / Sometimes(經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never(極少/從來沒有)
Yes! Help me! / No, I am just taking a break. (是的,請幫我!/沒有,我正在休息)
No, I'm creative as always. / If I was, I didn't notice. (沒有,我總是很有靈感/就算我有,我也沒有察覺到)
23. Is there a concert, exhibition, or deadline coming up? (是否正面臨音樂會、展覽或交稿的期限?)
Yes, I am expected to get it together by then. (是的,我期待能如期完成)
No, nothing of the kind is scheduled for the near future. (近期沒有類似的時間表)
24. Does your job, future job, or dream job require creativity, beauty, a sense of harmony, or anything of the kind? Designing websites counts. Programming doesn't. (你的現在或未來或理想工作是否需要創意、美感、和諧感或類似的能力? 設計網頁算,設計程式則不算。)
Yes, lots and lots of it. / Yes, it wouldn't hurt. (是的,需要很多/是的,但不缺)
No, it doesn't. / Not quite. (不需要/不是需要很多)
Yes, he or she means more than the world to me. (是的,他或她對我來說更勝於全世界)
No, there's no one. / I could do without him or her. (沒有/沒有他或她我還是可以生活)
Yes, I do. / I'm a teacher, school nurse, midwife, etc. (我有小孩/我是老師、學校護士、助產士之類)
No, I don't have children. / Yes, somewhere out there. (我沒有小孩/是的在某處可能有)
Yes, I love my pet. / I love someone else's pet! (Scandalous.) (是的,我愛我的寵物/我喜歡別人的寵物)
True, but I don't have one. / I don't love mine. (是的,但我沒有寵物/我不喜歡我的寵物)
Often / Sometimes(經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never(極少/從來沒有)
Often / Sometimes(經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never(極少/從來沒有)