
在收到愛瑟瑞爾告訴我可以去找Doreen上課的訊息沒多久,馬德琳竟連續2天抽到同一張天使訊息卡(Messages from your Angels, 台灣還未有中文版),一針見血地指出我的擔憂,告訴我要相信上天安排,跟愛瑟瑞爾說的一樣,祂也告訴我不用擔心金錢的問題.....嗯.....有點嚇到........

這張牌的天使是Serena, 祂所帶來的訊息是:

I am the Angel of Abundance.  You will receive the money that you need, and God is in charge of how that will happen. Have faith.

我是豐盛天使。 你將會獲得你所需要的金錢,而神正在安排讓它發生,你要有信心。

God is the source of all of your good.  Release all of your cares and worries to me, and I will bring them directly to God.  The more that you surrender this situation to Heaven, the more open you become. 


Your openness---like outstretched arms---welcomes the gifts that we bring you.  When you worry, however, it closes you down.  It then becomes more difficult for us to deliver your gifts.  You don't notice your gifts, or you push them away.


God's infinite creativity means that your financial support will come in unexpected ways.  One of the reasons why you worry is because you don't know how your money will be delivered. 


You can release these worries by completely relying on God's wisdom and care.  Notice your repetitive thoughts, feelings, and ideas.  They are our way of communicating Divine guidance to you. 


As you follow these Divine directives, your supply comes to you on the wings of angels, without delay or reservation.  The more that you can relax and trust, the faster we can bring these gifts your way.


(中文翻譯: 馬德琳)


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